Sunday, August 18, 2024

Homeless Cont.

I was awakened by a rapping on my window. I opened my eyes and was greeted with a blinding light from outside my truck.
It was the police. One of the worst things about being homeless is police harassment. If you stay anywhere near civilization, and it's obvious you are homeless, the police with eventually pay you a visit. This visit was about 3 or 4 in the morning if I recall. Being jolted awake and then interrogated is likely the outcome when they find you. The likely outcome of that interaction is rarely a positive one.
Though it surprised the officers I could produce ID and insurance documents, they still felt it necessary to grill me about my intentions.
It was way too early in the morning for them to be able to verify the insurance, but they did call my ID in to their dispatch.

They asked a LOT of questions...

'I...I was sleeping-' I sighed and tried to refrain from blocking the flashlight with my hand. I may have been depressed and homeless, but I didn't want these assholes to cap me all the same.
'You can't stay the night here.' One officer interrupted me.
'Oh, I was hoping I was out of the way enough. I mean, I didn't see any no parking signs..' I was interrupted again.
'It's city ordinance. No one can sleep in a car in public areas.'
'Ahh. An mistake. I'll just try and move on and find a bench I guess...'
'Have you had anything to drink?' The officer looked at me with anticipation... I squinted sleepily as he shined the flashlight into my eyes once again.

It was a sobriety test and an hour, maybe two, before the police escorted me away from their cherished industrial estate, defending their ordinance. The sun was threatening to rise. I managed to convince the officers I was going to leave and head straight to the Pilot Truck Stop outside of Olympia. They followed me the entire way even though it was likely out of their jurisdiction. I was now nearly completely out of fuel, and was terrified I would run out while they were escorting me. That would have guaranteed impounding and towing and a bench, if I was lucky.

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